#Healthy city

25 April 2024. “Healthy city: improving health by rethinking the urban environment”.

By: Gemma Conde Cros technical coordinator of the Environmental Area of Barcelona Regional i Jose Lao Mulero , head of Water Quality and Energy Efficiency of Barcelona Regional.


Mark J Nieuwenhuijs, a recognised expert in environmental health and director of the Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative at ISGlobal, spoke about the importance of urban planning for public health, and this topic generated several reflections.

Healthy urban planning is essential for public health. The design of cities has a significant impact on the health of the population. Thus, poor urban planning, for example, can lead to increased car use, increased air pollution, higher levels of noise, stress, and lack of physical activity. These effects can lead to higher rates of illness and premature death. In contrast, investing in active mobility, such as cycling and walking, not only reduces pollution, stress, and noise, but also increases people’s physical activity, social interaction, and overall health.